You Knew They Were Coming: Climate Travel Restrictions

With private jet crowd making up many of the glitterati among the 70,000 currently attending the giant climate meeting in Dubai, you just knew -- in addition to spending boatloads of our tax dollars -- the hypocrites couldn't resist attempting to restrict our travel

The headlines and photos tell the story. 
These people, who would never even consider flying commercial, are telling us we need to eat bugs for dinner and we need to restrict our travel. 
Of course, while we are travel-restricted, they will continue to fly private and live lives of extreme luxury

We have an election in the United States in 2024. I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that it will not be sufficient to merely vote against these hypocrites. If there is a candidate you really like: donate, contact their campaign headquarters, and get involved. We can't allow these people to continue to have power over us. 

Other than in advance of major storms, I rarely request readers to forward links to this blog. But this issue is so important that I am making an exception. Given that we can solve the issue of global warming without any restrictions on our freedom by making major changes to nuclear and hydro power, the only rational conclusion is that these people -- including many from our government -- are autocrats who want to restrict our freedoms. Global warming is the pretense. 

So, please, send this short essay to those you believe may benefit from reading it. 


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