Guest Podcast Appearance

Broadcaster Ken Root asked me to appear on his podcast to discuss the worsening issues with the National Weather Service. You will find a link to the podcast in its various formats (iOS, Android, etc.) here

The National Weather Service (NWS) is one of the few absolutely necessarily federal agencies. Why? Because the weather is international. There are a number of treaties that must be observed along with coordination with the World Meteorological Organization -- which private entities cannot do. NWS storm warnings have saved tens of thousands of lives
While the primary topic was the issues with their tornado warning program, we also discussed the perplexing miss pertaining to last weekend's Great Plains heavy snow event. Ken and I deliberated my proposal for a National Disaster Review Board modeled after the highly successful National Transportation Safety Board. 

Ken brought up an interesting point: should we it the Natural Disaster Review Board. We discuss why during the podcast. It is a good idea and I am going to refer to it that way going forward. 

Hope you enjoy listening.


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