
Sure Enough, A Cluster of Clouds in the Tropics Leads To.....

A Meteorologist Wrote This Afternoon "Something" -- My Least Favorite Term in Tropical Meteorology As I Wrote Two Days Ago Since that clump of clouds might turn into "something," what might it be? Tricycle? Restaurant? Painting? I really wish meteorologists would speak/write, "tropical storm" or "tropical depression" when they are talking about developing tropical weather and stop this silly dancing around.  As I wrote earlier this week, we don't worry about tropical weather system on this blog until they are seven days from reaching the United States. We don't try to create worry to get clicks. And, when there is a looming storm, we will clearly communicate about it. 

Preview of Olympic Opening Ceremony

I was getting a haircut this afternoon and the 2024 Olympics' Opening Ceremony was on live (2:30pm in Wichita is 9:30pm in Paris). It was generally sickening.  NBC will show this in prime time this evening and I wanted to give you fair warning as to what to expect. Below are three screen captures. And, in a trend that I hoped died two decades ago, there were multiple mimes. NBC's Mike Tirico praised French "culture" multiple times through this travesty.  So, watch if you wish but I thought you might wish to know before you expose children to it.  P.S. I'm watching the great Chariots of Fire  this evening (which I taped several days ago) in stead of the putrid opening ceremonies. 

Why Do Southwest Flights Keep Dropping?

Since April, there have been three Southwest Airlines (SWA) flights that have had serous drops in altitude that, at least as far as the media I have seen, no one seems to be tying the three together.  The first was off the Island of Kauai on April 11.  The plane was headed to the Lihue Airport. The radar shows solid thunderstorms in the area. According to news reports, in addition to the thunderstorm-caused turbulence, the flying pilot pushed the control column down and the plane dropped 400 feet. The thunderstorms are so widespread, one can question whether the plane should ever have taken off from Honolulu. It is against FAA regulations to fly into a thunderstorm , in addition to the thunderstorms appearing on the National Weather Service's radar (below), it would have clearly showed up on the pilot's own radar.  The second was under clear skies outside of Oklahoma City.  Air traffic control had to contact the SWA crew and ask them to check their altitude.  On Approach to Tam

Climate "Science" Has It Backwards -- Again

Yale's Climate Connections is one of Big Climate's mouthpieces (public relations organizations) that is lavishly funded to help you and me but -- especially -- politicians believe in scary global warming.  This latest article wonders (almost hopes) we have some catastrophic disaster that would -- finally, at last -- make people get really concerned about global warming. The fact that the public has been nearly drowned in both global warming science and nonsense for the past 36 years (!!) hasn't produced the results they want (nearly complete control of trillions of dollars of resources and an assault on our First Amendment rights) doesn't discourage them. They have plenty of money and time -- after all, this is what they get paid for.  The problem is that the weather is less bad than it was ~100 years ago. Consider these United States records: Worst flood in U.S. history?  1927 Worst tornado?  1925 Worst heat and dust storm?  1931-1936 Worst hurricane by strength: 1938

I Saw "Twisters" This Evening in IMAX

I'm going to try to give you some impressions without spoilers.  Liked the movie; the three others in our party liked it more than I. I suspect that was because I was influenced by the too-many scientific errors. There's not much chemistry between Kate and Tyler, the two leads.  Kate and Tyler are probably the two worst storm chasers in history. I can't explain why without spoiling parts of the movie but I suspect you'll figure out what I mean.  Twisters  was probably the least impressive IMAX movie I've seen. Normally, I love IMAX but it didn't seem to be more vivid or exciting than I suspect it would on a regular screen. That said, the special effects are terrific.  A movie theatre (for the same reasons as a non-reinforced gym) is a terrible place to shelter during a tornado. The roof can too easily collapse.  Hope Reed Timmer and Pecos Hank received payment for the use of their characters.  I give the movie  three out 🌪️🌪️🌪️ of four funnel clouds. Trivia i


We do not  attempt to make hurricane forecasts more than seven days into the future and, generally, we do not really focus on them until they are about five days out. That is plenty of time to take protective action. The "there's 'something' [hate that term] off the African coast that might do something  in about two weeks," broadcast by The Weather Channel and others is lame and stirs apprehension -- plus, those forecasts are often wrong.  We will do a fine job (just look back at our forecast that had Houston the area of concern for Hurricane Beryl before the NWS) covering hurricanes and tropical storms and give you plenty of time to react. If it costs me "clicks" and advertising revenue, so be it. It is never our goal to frighten people. 

For the Umpteenth Time: Do NOT Take Cover Under Bridges

I cannot believe I have to write this again but, In the Eye of the Storm's  derecho episode shows drivers pulling under a bridge -- and, in this case, getting away with it without injury., This is a terrible idea. People have been killed doing it. Please don't!! P.S. I am seeing Twisters  tonight. I'll have some brief comments tomorrow.