Why We Chase Storms

I have friends that have flown to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower. Others who have gone to Peru to see Machu Picchu. Our family was blessed that each of our children had foreign learning experiences when they were in college. All of that is wonderful. But, few Americans realize that storm tourists come to the Great Plains from all over the world to try to capture the elusive tornado for the same reasons. I would like to try to introduce you to why they come and why we storm chasers do what we do. This blog posting is especially timely because of two recent articles about storm chasers, including chasing during the Dodge City tornadoes of May 24. Those articles were written by people who were 1,500 miles away at the time. I was present and will include my first-hand report of what actually occurred. Consider: London’s Big Ben is there any time you wish to see it. The Grand Canyon? Just a trip to northern Arizona. Mount Everest? While it takes tremendous skill and condi...