Another Wind Farm Bites the Dust

This, too, came out on Christmas Eve. Anther wind farm sinks out of sight -- this time, under Lake Erie. 

And, speaking of biting the dust, I'd say the town of Sweetwater, Texas, has been bitten pretty good by this horrible display of 'environmentalism.' All of the vast amount of white in the photo is disposed of wind turbine blades. This is happening in multiple states. 
So much for wind energy being "good for the environment."


  1. Why are the not being recycled?

    1. The type of plastic that makes up the blades, with current technology, makes them non-recyclable.

    2. They can’t be recycled. That’s what is so ridiculous about these useless things.

  2. There is a company called Carbon Rivers that came up with a new process to recycle the used turbine blades along with recycling many other wasted materials.

    1. I'm skeptical of Carbon Rivers' strategy because blades keep filling up landfills in several states. If it were effective and reasonably priced, I'm sure it would be a huge success.


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