Note to Readers...

As you know from my previous note, after 14 years I have decided to allow advertising on this blog. The rising costs of meteorological data and software needed for forecasting as well as other increasing general expenses make this a necessity. As we discussed, I considered changing this blog to a paid subscription model but I do not wish to do this because I wish for people to be able to access my forecasts, especially my storm-related warnings. 

While I realize people do not like to see ads, I am introducing some features that I hope will more than make up for them. 
  1. Comments activated. The ground rules are these: no obscenity, profanity or blasphemy. The comment must be related to the topic of that particular blog post (i.e., if the post is about sports, don't make a comment about global warming). Inappropriate comments will be deleted. Having an income stream from the blog justifies the time I will have spend deleting spam comments. 
  2. I plan to use much more of my photography. I added an example at the top. 
  3. As you know, I grade my forecasts of major events (example, here). That will continue. I'm going to add more of the why of my forecast or storm warning. 
The advertising will probably begin soon (days). The new features are in effect now. 


  1. Mike, no worries about the ads. Keep doing what you’re doing. It’s great stuff. I’ve even had convos about your blog with one of your former employees at WeatherData. All great stuff.

  2. Thanks for #1 above


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