Today's Managerial Resolution: An Effective Tornado Plan!

Photos by Dick McGowan
The tornadoes of Friday night emphasize the absolute necessity for businesses to have an effective plan to protect their employees when a tornado threatens. 

Your shelter should be able to protect your team
against debris flying at more than 150 mph!
There are three elements to creating an effective response for tornadoes:

·      Advance planning. Where will your people shelter? Does it have enough space? How will your people get word that a tornado is approaching?
·      A commercial weather company that will give you enough time to get everyone sheltered and accounted for (National Weather Service warnings are not suitable for this purpose). Procedures as to whom is responsible for sounding the alarm, 24/7.
·      After the storm. If the worst happens, how do you get help to your employees and coordinate the post-storm response?
Effective advance planning not only protects people, it protects
the viability of your business
I am an expert in this field and I’ve worked with businesses from coast to coast on planning for and mitigating extreme weather. I invite you to contact me: mike at msecreativeconsulting dot com


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