Extreme Cold Wave Still in the Future - Prepare Now!

All data continues to show an extraordinary cold wave around Christmas, including a few days before and after. 

The computer model projections show that temperatures will be at least as cold as the February, 2021, cold wave and the cold wave of December, 1983. Below is a list of record low temperatures from the 2021 cold wave. 

If the 8-14 day projection is correct, there will be power failures in the extreme cold. I have little confidence in the precipitation part of the 8-14 day forecast. That is not a criticism of the NWS; there is very low confidence as we may be on uncharted ground. 

Some suggestions:
  • As forecasts get closer to the event, keep your car filled with fuel. 
  • If you have members of the family who are infirm, make arrangements to have someone live with them, or bring them to live with you before the worst of the cold sets in. 
  • Get cash! You may need and an ATMs may be down. 
  • Have plenty of food and refilled prescription medicines.
  • Have salt to put on driveways/sidewalks. 
  • Disconnect garden hoses -- this is one of those situations where pipes are likely to burst. 
  • If you have a fireplace, make sure it is ready to go in case it becomes the heating source for your family. 
I have been looking at meteorological charts daily since 1967 and I don't recall seeing numbers in the upper air charts quite like what the extended range models are projecting. Take these forecasts seriously!


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