Regarding Tonight's Chiefs v Dolphins Game

 Like most everyone else, I'm upset the game will only be on Peacock. The only way to stop the NFL from doing this to us more often is for the pay-per-view model to fail.

I am going to a sports bar to watch tonight's game. That way, the NFL gets no additional revenue. Recommend you do the same.


  1. how is that any different than moving all the college bowl games to espn and its ilk?

    1. While not free, ESPN comes with all cable and satellite services. In most households, they will have to pay for BOTH ESPN and Peacock. Worse, I understand there were serious technical problems with the Peacock feed.

      I don't want the pay per view NFL experiment to be successful.

    2. for those without cable or satellite because they don't want to pay $80 for 200 channels they don't want versus the 30 for the few they do its the same issue

  2. Free enterprise capitalism


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