Chiefs Forecast

Here is the forecast radar at kick-off tomorrow in Baltimore. At 3pm Eastern (kick-off), the temperature should be about 39° with the temperature more or less steady during the game. I disagree with the forecasts calling for continuous rain. I believe there will be a few showers but it will rain a minority of the time. 

The weather in Santa Clara for Detroit v San Francisco should be nice. 

And, just for fun, here is the original "Chefs" commercial.
Regardless of whether it is the Chefs or the Chiefs, I look forward to a great game tomorrow!


  1. Kudos Mike, on the new format. Very readable.

    1. Glad you like it! Zach Armstrong gets the credit.

    2. Can we please bring back the sidebar to access old posts easily?

    3. JuniorTV, I'll check. We may have to have that real estate for ads. As I explained when I announced I was allowing ads for the first time, some things were going to have go away. In return, I turned on comments and several other features. But, I'll check.


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