Another Satisfied Reader

Have you read Mike's book WARNINGS: The True Story of How Science Tamed the Weather (Greenleaf 2010) ? From Category 5 hurricanes to F-5 tornadoes, WARNINGS is a facinating story about saving lives during the most massive storms of our lifetime and was one of the most acclaimed books of 2010 earning a 5-Star rating on Amazon.

Clarence Bennett from Nashville Tennessee recently wrote:
 "Regretfully, it took me much longer to pick up your book and read it; I purchased it late this sumer and read it in less than a week. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story and say what an amazing read it was......

Your book brings back alot of emotion and memory of my own and I greatly appreciate the extensive amount of time it must have taken to write such a jewel of a book. Thank you for your contributions to meteorology and keep up the amazing work!"

WARNINGS is an entertaining read making meteorology both interesting and exciting and Mike is one of the few scientists who can educate and entertain an audience.  Perfect reading for a lazy weekend such as this.


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