I Continue to Be Very Optimistic About Great Plains Rain

Wednesday, I forecast a change in weather pattern that would result in the Central Plains receiving a break from the drought and from this spring's infernal wind. I am still very optimistic.

Here is the 7-Day Rainfall Forecast from the National Weather Service:
I think the forecast geographic pattern of the rain is quite good and, maybe, just a tad on the low side.

Now, let's turn to the European model and another seven days to the forecast. The darkest areas are where as much as four inches are forecast
When talking about rainfall distribution forecasts, don't take the locations too literally. For example, the area of blue (about .5 to .8 inches) may be in the northern Flint Hills as shown, may be somewhere else, or may not occur at all. The point I wish to emphasize is that the weather pattern has changed and, for at least the next two weeks, will be quite conducive to soaking rains in many areas of the Plains.


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