"Technoskeptic" on the Joplin Tornado

Joplin's St. John's Hospital after the tornado.
Fifteen died there. They didn't know it was coming
until six minutes before the tornado arrived.
The new edition of Technoskeptic magazine (print) has an article about the 2011 Joplin Tornado. Author Eric Brende discusses the role of technology that terrible day.

Eric interviewed me several times and refers to my book, When the Sirens Were Silent. The book is a cautionary tale about how the warning system failed to work as it should have that day -- with the result being the loss of 161 precious lives.

Given we are on the threshold of what will likely be an active 2019 tornado season, the book -- with its detailed safety suggestions for home, schools and offices -- is as timely today as the day the book was published.

It is just $2.99 (ebook). We priced it so a maximum number of people could benefit. It is a fast read and I urge you to grab a copy before the next tornado watch is issued for your area.


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