June's Required Reading (Updated)

We didn't have a required reading in May because I didn't come across anything particularly compelling. But, this article about children and farms in June's required reading! It tells the story of families who go to a farm in Update New York to have their children experience manual labor and life on a farm. The article begins:

Here are some things I have taught the kids who visit my farm: animals don’t care about your feelings, and sometimes we kill them to eat them. It doesn’t matter how desperately you want to find more eggs, the hens don’t lay on demand. Tomatoes aren’t ripe in June. The stalls aren’t going to clean themselves. Cuts, scrapes, and stings aren’t really a big deal. And there will always be poop. 

The article is great. Hope you enjoy reading it. 

Note: the link was bad. It has been fixed. 


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