Palm Sunday Tornado Risk in the Central Plains

This forecast has been updated to include the major
tornado threat in the South tomorrow. 

Please click here for the update. 


Sunday afternoon and evening's significant tornado risk:
In Kansas, the tornado risk area includes Medicine Lodge, Arkansas City and Wellington. This will be the first south central Kansas tornado risk of 2024... an area which has experienced below-average number of tornadoes each of the past three years. 

In Oklahoma, the tornado risk includes Blackwell, Medford and Dover. 

While Palm Sunday is a moving religious commemoration, it has been one of the most deadly days for tornado in United States' history. AccuWeather reports... 
I've always thought Paul Huffman's photo of the twin tornadoes on Palm Sunday 1965 is one of the most terrifying ever captured. Something about two large tornadoes, the eyes on the billboard, combined with the house that appears to be in peril -- has always gotten to me when it regards the terror tornadoes can bring.

Sunday, go to church, watch some sports, and then begin monitoring the weather starting around 3-4 pm. 
Of course, I will update on the tornado risk tomorrow morning. 


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