Authoritarian Politicians: They Are Playing With Fire

Unfortunately, the tweet is accurate

No, I don't think they are trying to "take the place of God." They are trying to crowd God out of our society. And, they are trying to do it in the most arrogant and obnoxious way possible. 

And, as usual, the bishops are useless.
“Since learning of the concerns of Howard County officials, we have shared our guidelines for the distribution of Communion and express our own serious concerns about their recent guidance preventing Catholic churches in Howard County from distributing Communion.”

"Serious concerns"?! You are kidding, right? The Holy Eucharist is central to the Catholic Faith.

Yes, this is clearly unconstitutional and will not stand. But, politicians will keep trying as long as they pay no price for trying to cut off religious freedom.

In addition to filing for an emergency court ruling, the bishop(s) should be organizing peaceful mass demonstrations of people of all faiths. They should be organizing recall campaigns against the politicians involved, whether directly or indirectly.

The politicization of coronavirus is tearing us apart. We voters should draw the line, now.


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