Let Me Get This Straight: The Additional Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere is Preventing Another Ice Age -- And, That is a BAD Thing?!

We knew that once the coronavirus crisis began to ease, Big Climate would try to get back on the front page. No surprise there. Still, I have to give Big Climate and their expensive public relations agencies credit for moxie for trying to twist wonderful news for humanity into something bad.

After twenty years of, preposterously, asserting that changes in the sun's energy don't matter to earth's climate, even the climate alarmists have to now concede something is very wrong with the sun. As this blog and numerous other publications have pointed out, our sun is on vacation: record low numbers of sunspots which many scientists believe is morphing into a Grand Solar Minimum (GSL).

In past centuries, GSL's have been associated with extreme cold and even the "Little Ice Age."

What happened during the last Little Ice Age? According to Wikipedia,
Historians have argued that cultural responses to the consequences of the Little Ice Age in Europe consisted of violent scapegoating. The prolonged cold, dry periods brought drought upon many European communities, resulting in poor crop growth, poor livestock survival, and increased activity of pathogens and disease vectors. Disease tends to intensify under the same conditions that unemployment and economic difficulties arise: prolonged, cold, dry seasons. Both of these outcomes – disease and unemployment – enhance each other, generating a lethal positive feedback loop.

In North America,
Early European explorers and settlers of North America reported exceptionally severe winters. For example, according to Lamb, Samuel Champlain reported bearing ice along the shores of Lake Superior in June 1608. Both Europeans and indigenous peoples suffered excess mortality in Maine during the winter of 1607–1608, and extreme frost was reported in the Jamestown, Virginia, settlement at the same time. Native Americans formed leagues in response to food shortages.

Yet, in 2020, the world is not starving (so far) due to cold associated with the current grand minima. Here's why, according to climate science:
click to enlarge
"But this solar minimum won't spark another ice age, they say. And, that's likely due to climate change. The warming caused by the greenhouse gas emissions from the human burning of fossil fuels is six times greater than the possible decades-long cooling from a prolonged Grand Solar Minimum." [note: this was determined by computer models]

Of course, if earth's temperatures plummeted, growing seasons would drastically shorten and crop production would drop correspondingly. There would not be enough food and tens of millions would starve. It would make the COVID catastrophe seem like a picnic by comparison. And, while we will hopefully be able to find a vaccine for COVID, there is no way to fix* the sun.

So, in the through-the-looking-glass world of Big Climate, we are supposed to be upset that we are not having extreme cold throughout the world.

My thought? Pass the iced tea!

And, I hope you have wonderful weather for the Memorial Day weekend.

*Why aren't crops more tolerant of low temperatures? They could be made so. But, Big Environment considers excess cold to be a "pest" -- and blocked efforts to make resistant crops a reality. That surreal story is here.


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