2:12pm: Update on So. California Fires

2:12pm, updated forecasts calling for four days of critical fire conditions in Southern California. 

1:24pm, the fire to the east, which appeared minor just 18 minutes ago, has now mushroomed in terms of the amount of soot, ash and smoke being lofted. 

1:05pm, the Palisades Fire is looking very impressive (as measured by the amount of ash, soot and smoke which is what radar detects). 

Here, also, is the Los Angeles Times' fire map from 1:05pm.

9:45am Update

At 9:44am, weather radar shows the approximate location of the Palisades Fire. 

The fire created a rather large firenado earlier this morning. 

The latest headline from the Los Angeles Times:
Their fire map is below:

I'll update again this evening. 


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