When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!! [Bumped]

UPDATE: There is video, taken Friday, of an amazingly destructive lightning strike in Louisiana, here. The tree that was struck splitters into hundreds of pieces of wooden shrapnel. Windows were broken. Had anyone been in these yards they would have been seriously injured.

Take lightning seriously. When thunder roars, go indoors!

To me, this is just unbelievable. Golfers during a thunderstorm.
This photo was taken from my living room window as thunder was "roaring" at my home. It is lightly raining. The photo was taken at 8:40am CDT. 

Below is the radar at the same time. The red cell with the five cloud-to-ground lightning bolts is moving right at the golf course and my home.
The golfers are risking their lives. Please: when thunder roars, go indoors


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