Now, It Is Michael Bloomberg

Bloomberg in 2008:

Mayor Bloomberg yesterday compared the scourge of global warming to terrorism..reducing gas emissions may "save the life of everybody on the planet" [sic]...

Bloomberg last weekend:

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is rich, and New Yorkers often forgive him for it. His life of weekend homes in Bermuda and private jet flights to Paris has not stopped him from earning the votes of constituents who give him credit for competence and leadership.

But being a billionaire is one thing, and breaking the rules another. So it was on Wednesday that Mr. Bloomberg, an experienced pilot, found himself under fire after he was discovered flying his private helicopter where he was not supposed to.
An amateur video, filmed by an annoyed Manhattanite andbroadcast Tuesday on WABC-TV, showed the mayor landing and taking off several times over the weekend from the East 34th Street helipad, where trips on Saturday and Sunday have been expressly banned for more than a decade.

Previous mayors traveled on copters owned by the Police Department, and almost always on official city business. Mr. Bloomberg, however, is not like other mayors. He is the first denizen of City Hall to own a private helicopter, and he routinely uses it for his weekend getaways — he owns multiple vacation homes, including in Westchester County and the Hamptons...

For what seems like the hundredth time since I started this blog -- in the immortal words of Glenn Reynolds -- I'll believe global warming is a crisis when the people who tell me it's a crisis start acting like it's a crisis.  

The environmental hypocrites are becoming so over the top, they are almost beyond mocking.


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