Northeast Blizzard Update

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AccuWeather Region Radar (above) shows extremely heavy snow falling in the very dark blue over Connecticut and the eastern half of Long Island at 9pm EST. 9:20pm, just after posting got confirmation of 5" of snow per hour rates in Connecticut under that dark blue radar echo.

In Providence, Tom Green Airport report 6" accumulated with gusts to 63 mph during the past hour. At 6pm, 1,000 homes and businesses were without power. By 8pm, the number was up to 41,000.

Mystic, CT has 8" of snow and gale-force winds driving the snow sideways.

Boston is reporting 98,000 homes and businesses without power and coastal areas now evacuating due to the storm surge. The winds at Logan have gusted to 59 mph during the past hour.

No, this storm was not "hyped." (see below)


  1. 63mph Chatham
    63mph Nantucket
    71mph Barnstable (buoy?)

    rain mixing in is helping with the power situation far SE. Toward Plymouth, no such luck.

  2. Wareham, Mattapoisett virtually 100% without power

    Plymouth, Duxbury, Sandwich, Westport (RI) over 50% without power.

    Still early, SE Mass, RI going to be virtually powerless

  3. Just heard 190,000 homes and businesses without power. It is going to take days or weeks to get the power back on.


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