Rest in Peace, Liz Quoetone

The science of meteorology, and human factors in meteorology in particular, lost a giant today. Ms. Liz Quoetone of the National Weather Service passed away after a battle with cancer.

In the mid-1990's I became acquainted with a small, pioneering group of scientists who were trying to understand how humans could best contribute to weather forecasts and storm warnings and then how we could best communicate those warnings so they would save lives. One of them was Liz.

Aviation had been using human factors research for years. Meteorology was far behind and there were many that were skeptical of its value.

After a meeting Boulder, Colorado, where we first became acquainted, Liz was kind enough to invite me to meet with her in her Norman, Oklahoma, office. We spent an entire morning together swapping ideas. She was extremely gracious with her time and we exchanged ideas on a number of other occasions.

When I get information about the funeral arrangements, I will append them to this blog posting.

Rest in Peace, Liz. The people of the United States are safer for your efforts. 



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