"I'll Believe Global Warming is a Crisis When the People Telling Me It's a Crisis Start Acting Like It's a Crisis"

This is one of those stories I hate to write. The whole subject of global warming is terribly distasteful to me. It is an issue that should be about science and not politics. That said, when I see something this egregious, I believe it is worth bringing to our reader's attention.

First, the headline:
Now, what Mr. Cook said,
First of all, he [Tim Cook] insisted, environmental efforts also make economic sense. Even so, "we do a lot of things for reasons besides profit motive," the CEO said. "We want to leave the world better than we found it."
Anyone who had a problem with that? They should sell their Apple shares. "Get out of the stock," Cook suggested. Danhof's [stockholder-submitted] proposal was voted down by shareholders.
It's a measure of the strength of Apple's position that Cook can afford to irritate such a large and powerful shareholder on a matter of principle. But it also offers hope for environmentalists frustrated by the lack of progress on climate change that — in Apple's drought-ridden home state, at least — now seems all too real. Greenpeace recently applauded Cook for working to reduce the number of "conflict minerals" in Apple products. Now it has one more reason to cheer.
"Principle." "Wants to make the world a better place." Nice words.  

Now, the reality:

Mr Cook had earlier flown in from Luton Airport on a private jet, arriving in Cork at 8.30am before being whisked by executive mini-bus to the Hollyhill plant and he later flew out again back to Luton by private jet from Cork Airport at around 3pm.

From Time:

Cook is on a private jet headed to D.C. as I type

There are multiple other examples of Mr. Cook's affinity for private jets, but you get the idea. 

According to global warming theology, all of us regular people are supposed to make sacrifices "for the environment" while Mr. Cook, Al Gore, Laurie David (producer of An Inconvenient Truth) and Rajendra Pachauri (head of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) are crisscrossing the world on private jets. If Mr. Cook is so concerned about global warming he should fly commercial. I just checked and United Airlines can get him from SFO to Cork in coach for $1,044.90. If he wants to pay for a first class ticket, that is fine with me. Whether coach or first class, United will cost his remaining shareholders far less than a private jet while being better for the environment. 

Let me be clear: I'd fly via private jet in a heartbeat if I could afford it. But then, I'm not going around telling everyone to cut their carbon footprints while mine is the size of Montana's. 

Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit puts it this way: "I'll believe global warming is a crisis when the people telling me it's a crisis start acting like it is a crisis."

The actions of many of the 'leaders' of the global warming movement can be summed up in three words: hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy.


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