Today is Father Kapaun's Funeral

Pope Francis: Saints are witnesses whom we venerate and who in thousands of different ways bring us to Jesus Christ, the only Lord and Mediator between God and humanity. They remind us that holiness can blossom even in our lives, however weak and marked by sin.

Father Emil Kapaun showing the pipe that had been
shot out of his mouth during combat in Korea

Today is the funeral of Chaplain Father Emil Kapaun. It will be broadcast live on ETWN at 11:30am Eastern (10:30am Central), on PBS for western Kansas (unfortunately, not Wichita), and on the Diocese of Wichita's YouTube Page. Fr. Kapaun is the most decorated chaplain in the history of the United States' military services; including the Medal of Honor, which is our nation's highest military award.

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

The funeral Mass will be celebrated at Wichita's Hartman Arena because five thousand people are expected. Father will then be carried by military caission from Veteran's Memorial Park to the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception*. He will be laid to rest inside the Cathedral.

Father Kapaun's tomb being prepared

If you are not familiar with the holy and heroic story of Fr. Kapaun, please watch the video below. You will be moved by his courage and holiness. He has been declared a "Servant of God" by the Vatican which is the first step on the road to sainthood. Yesterday, I "gentleman" on Twitter was upset over the amount of military honors being giving to the priest. The answer is that President Obama honored Kapaun with America's highest military honor, The Medal of Honor

Ray Kapaun receiving the Medal of Honor on
behalf of the Kapaun Family.

Father Kapaun is receiving the military honors commensurate with the Medal of Honor and his rank.

Above is a brief video of the story of Father Kapaun's amazing holiness and heroism on the field of battle in Korea. I urge you to watch.

*For my Wichita readers, Central Street from Veteran's Memorial Park to Topeka will be closed from 10:30 until 2:30pm.


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