The Forecasts of Ida -- In Louisiana and the Northeast -- Were Nearly Perfect

I just was in the car for 2.5 hours driving across country listening to the radio and there are people who think the storm was not forecasted well. Dr. Ryan Maue has come to the same conclusion. 

We've already discussed how well the storm was forecasted upon its landfall in Louisiana

Below are forecasts made long before the heavy rain began falling in the Northeast. 

Sunday, 3:11pm
Entire forecast here

And, Tuesday, 3:15pm,
Entire forecast here. I don't know what more anyone could want. These forecasts were nearly perfect. 

And, before the tornadoes got underway. The forecast was made by the NWS's Storm Prediction Center.

Below is a map of the tornado tracks in yellow (least strong) to red to white to blue (strongest). Here is a video (second half) of what it is like to be inside of an EF-2 tornado. 
Click to enlarge. I had to blank out some areas of noise.
It is difficult to understand the narrative that the tornadoes and catastrophic rains were not expected. 

This is what the global warming nonsense is really about:
There is a tremendous amount of grift in the whole global warming movement. As others have pointed out, the reason Big Climate hates nuclear is because with it, we don't need renewables -- at all. 

As to de Blasio's claim, we discussed back on Sunday (red link, above), flash flooding along the East Coast is relatively common in these situations. So much so that we were able to make nearly perfect forecasts. Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr., released a series of tweets on this topic this morning.
The entire series is here. He ended with the tweet below.

Roger also provided this graph which demonstrates that U.S. flood damage is decreasing relative to GDP.

Finally, de Blasio's dirty little secret is the NYC's sewer system is designed for a "once in five year" storm. That is entirely inadequate. Almost no other city's sewer system is that underdesigned. Global warming makes a great scapegoat that the MSM will probably never clarify.


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