"Life Threatening Flash Flooding"

That is the description of the "high risk" flash flooding area outlined in purple below.
The heaviest rains will be this afternoon and tonight. Rivers will remain high at least through Sunday.

If you live in the purple areas and live anywhere a river or stream ever floods, please allow me to reiterate the safety suggestions I posted yesterday:

What should you do to prepare? If you live in a flood prone area, pack a "go kit." This would include gathering whatever you can quickly put in your car if you must evacuate on short notice. This could include:
  • Prescription medicines.
  • A couple of changes of clothes. 
  • Essential papers/credit cards, etc.
  • A full tank of fuel. 
  • Keepsakes. 
But the number one cause of deaths in flash floods is people who are perfectly safe driving into a flooded area. Please don't be a statistic. Turn around, don't drown!

What happens if you are in an area that has both a flash flood and a tornado warning simultaneously? If you live anywhere near a river or stream, I would shelter on the first floor rather than a basement. If flooding has started in your area and a tornado warning is received, I would shelter n a bath on a second floor. 


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