Graduation, Mother's Day, Father's Day Recommendation

This is one happy reader!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Buy this bookApril 30, 2014
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
Excellent, wonderful, very good, highly informative,
best ever memoir of a meteorologist, thrilling, exciting,
surprising, well written, interesting throughout,
GOOOOOOOOD! really great!!!!!
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I went back through Mr. Kaufman's reviews on Amazon and he is a tough critic: Some books he gives one-star. This author is thrilled he enjoyed Warnings so much.

Now, another piece of business:
While I am very pleased that Amazon has apparently sold 11 copies since Saturday, it makes me concerned that Amazon, yet again, is going to run out as we approach Mother's Day, Father's Day and graduations. While you can get Warnings at Barnes & Noble and your local book store (they can order it if they do not have a copy in stock), if you want to buy it from Amazon, please get your order in ASAP.


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