"Meteorologist as Hero"

From The New York Times,

ATLANTA — One evening in April, Tina Eller had the television on. Glenn Burns, the steely chief meteorologist for WSB-TV, said a tornado was three minutes away from slamming into her community.

Mr. Burns’s instructions were simple: Take cover...

...Every room in the house was wrecked, except the space that held her family.

“It was that warning we got from him that got us into the closet on time,” she said. “I never would have lived through it.”

As the nation moves through a year of remarkable floods, drought and its deadliest tornado season in half a century, the broadcast meteorologist has emerged as an unlikely hero.

The entire article is here.

Hmmm. Meteorologist as hero. Someone should write a book about that.

Hat tip: Patrick Clyne

Note: Fixed broken link


  1. Please note that the same article had a quote about extreme weather from Mr. Burns...



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