Making the ACT Test Science Section Optional?!

Talk about a terrible idea
The article states:

To aspire to be scientists now, students no longer need to know science. They only need to demonstrate what makes for a good performance of science. This benefits everyone—teachers, school boards, textbook publishers, education bureaucrats—except for talented students who are left poorly prepared for science careers. And American science is left the poorer for it.

In making its science test optional, ACT has caved to this pernicious trend.

Being a scientist with 50+ years working with and managing other scientists, I cannot overemphasize that a terrible idea this is for America as well as all students. 

Because I make no secret of the fact I am Catholic, atheists sometimes challenge me as to whether God exists, They scoff when I explain how science points to God. So, I start asking them questions (such as how the earth was formed) almost all of them don't know enough science to have the conversation! This isn't just true of atheists, I've found it in many others, as well.

China and India are eating our lunch in science and engineering. We need more science in schools and -- if anything -- the ACT (and SAT) tests should emphasize science more, especially since -- for example -- Yale seems to confuse science/faith with wicca and other similar nonsense


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