More National Weather Service Warning Issues

Winterset, Iowa, fatal tornado, March 5
On March 5, as strong to violent tornadoes roamed the Iowa countryside, National Weather Service (NWS) tornado warnings were delayed by as much as nine minutes due to a cable cut in .... Dallas. 

The red rectangles indicate the radar is out of service.
The radar data shown as from a radar 100+ miles away.
Yesterday, and the day before, as much as 15 inches of rain fell in Dallas with severe flooding and the loss of at least one life. Because of a NWS data outage, warnings for Dallas had to be issued by NWS offices as far away as Nashville. This outage affected the NWS radar and both of the Federal Aviation Administration radars. 

Addition: 9a Friday:
In addition to at least one death, six billion dollars in damage -- and the local storm warning infrastructure failed completely!

Original Article
Even worse: additional Texas radars were out of service for reasons unknown yesterday. 
Issuing warnings during periods of life-threatening, extreme weather is the very core of the National Weather Service's mission, yet these issues occur with increasing frequency. 

In between March 5 and August 22, this blog has documented the too-numerous issues with National Weather Service warnings and infrastructure. There is no sign that anything is being done to address these systemic issues.

The National Weather Service's WSR-88D radars are more than 30 years old -- with no plans to replace them. Their communications network is increasingly failing. As readers know, I believe our nation desperately needs a National Disaster Review Board to help solve the too-numerous issues with the NWS, FEMA and other agencies and organizations key to disaster response and prevention in our nation


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