85 mph Winds Forecast for Parts of Kansas and Missouri

The National Weather Service is forecasting thunderstorm-generated wind gusts of 85 mph accompanied by tennis ball-sized hail. This is a destructive combination. Please note that the winds will precede the rain. 

Here are preparation recommendations:
  • Power failures are likely. In some spots, they could last a day or more. 
  • Make sure you have plans for the elderly and the infirm and make those plans now. 
  • For those needing medicines that must be refrigerated, plan now. 
  • If you have a generator, fill it with fuel now but make sure it is not near air intakes. Whatever you do, do not put it inside your home or garage. 
  • Fill your car with fuel now.
  • Get extra cash from the ATM well before the storms arrive. 
  • If children are at summer camps and you can easily reach them now, you may wish to bring them home. Tents are not adequate shelter in 85 mph winds and hail. 
Here is the radar at 12:46 pm depicting the intensifying line of storms. 
I'll update on this threat at mid-afternoon. 

For more updates, follow me on Twitter @usweatherexpert. 


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