Dangerous Hurricane Nate Approaches the Coast

Nate is now expected to be a Category 2 hurricane at landfall this evening. 

Near and east the point of landfall, there will be a 
storm surge of 7 to 12 feet which will cause 
life-threatening flooding.

Please make sure friends and relatives are aware the storm 
will be somewhat stronger than originally forecast. 

If you live in New Orleans/southeast Louisiana or the Mississippi or Alabama coasts, I urge you in the strongest possible way to check the list below and make sure you are ready for the storm. After about 4pm, the weather will deteriorate quickly and it will be too late. 

Here is the updated forecast map.
The "H" at the tip of Louisiana is for 7pm. 

The 10am advisory had sustained winds of 90 mph. I expect sustained winds of at least 100 mph with gusts to 110 mph at landfall. Based on the latest satellite images, Nate is still strengthening.

10:02am satellite image is below.

If you in southeast Louisiana (including New Orleans), the Mississippi coast or the Alabama coast, you must have your preparations completed by around 3pm. After that, weather conditions will deteriorate rapidly and it will be too late. At that time, hunker down. Do not drive after sunset, it will be far too dangerous. 

Because the storm is moving so rapidly, there is a serious inland wind threat. AccuWeather is
indicating that the area tinted in red could have power failures and falling trees as a result. 

So What Do I Do Now?

Here are my suggestions based on the storm's current position. Get them done immediately!
  • If you have a relative at home that requires electricity for life-assistance purposes, make provisions now.
  • If you don't have a generator, get a power inverter or two. Radio Shack and similar stores sell them. They are a "poor man's generator" and will keep your cell phone, laptop, and similar items charged. Tell the person in the store what you want to run off it so you get one of the right size. Do not try to run the inverter for hours at a time as that is tough on your car's battery. Charge the (for example) cell phone and let the charge run all the way down, then use the inverter to recharge. 
  • Keep your car's gas tank full. 
  • Fill a few gas cans (the type you would use for your mower) to have extra in the event of power failures. 
  • Purchase extra food staples. Without power, stores will be closed. Things that require less preparation are better. Bottled water is especially important. 
  • Purchase extra batteries for your cell phone and other essential equipment. 
  • If you need insulin or other medicine that must be kept chilled make plans now. 
  • Consider what you would do if you were without electricity for a two weeks. If you have an invalid living with you that requires electricity, there will be areas that will be without for weeks. Be proactive. 
  • If you live in a heavily wooded area, does someone in your vicinity have a gasoline-powered chain saw? Does it have fuel and a reasonably good chain/blade? Test it, now. 
  • Get to an ATM. Without power, credit card readers and ATMs will not be working. In a disaster, cash is king.
  • If you are in the high wind area, thoroughly photograph your home and possessions now. You will need it for insurance purposes. This includes trees, shrubs, etc. Then, if using a digital camera, upload to internet so it will be there after the storm in case the worse happens. 
As the storm approaches, stay with the family and, to the extent possible, look at it as one of life's adventures. 


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