Yet Another Great Review of "Warnings"

This ebook is a wonderful, informative and on occasions, jaw-dropping read. Highly recommended.

The review concludes,

‘Warnings’ is higly educational, but it reads nothing like a textbook. The writing is engrossing and entertaining from cowl to cover. Even if you’re not but satisfied to purchase it for yourself, if you understand anyone with a curiosity in the climate, get it for them as a gift. If you happen to be fortunate, they’ll allow you to learn from it once they’re done.

I don't know why all of these great new reviews have suddenly appeared but I am pleased and humbled by them!

Warnings: The True Story of How Science Tamed the Weather is available in hardcover, ebook for Kindle, and ebook for Nook.

As we come up to Mother's Day, Graduations and Father's Day, Warnings would make a terrific gift.


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