Good Day to Read One Chapter of "Warnings"

There are no major storms forecast for the nation today. So, take a look at the opening words of Warnings" below. If they intrigue you, click on the link to read the entire first chapter -- free. I'm hoping you'll get hooked and want to read the entire book. 

The Ruskin Heights Tornado


Mom rushed down the hallway of our modest ranch house to grab my baby brother Phillip out of his crib so we—she, my dad, my other brother Mark, and I—could scamper down the stairs into our basement. Dad had been standing in the front yard with a neighbor, watching a strange green sky. I’d seen that sky, too: my face had been plastered up against our large picture window until Mom had pulled me back. “They say to keep away from windows!” she had scolded.

But I was five years old and didn’t want to keep away. The clouds were like nothing I’d ever seen.
During the hour or so before that frantic dash down the stairs, the local TV station routinely interrupted I Love Lucy with an announcer telling us to turn off the gas and head to the southwest corner of the basement. Soon enough, the five of us were huddled in exactly that location.

That was when I started to get scared.

The rest of the first chapter of Warnings: The True Story of How Science Tamed the Weather is here.

The entire book in hardback is here.

In Kindle here. You do not need a Kindle, you can read it on the free Kindle Cloud Reader.

In Nook here.

Happy reading!


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