Trustworthy, honest and loyal readers

A few weeks ago, Mike and I were at the Norman Weatherfest at a book signing where we met lots of wonderful people who make up Mike's fan base for his book WARNINGS: The True Story of How Science Tamed the Weather. (Greenleaf 2010) If you would like to read a short review go to

Mike was expecially happy to see so many OU meteorology students turning out for the event and to see how super excited they were to get a signed copy of WARNINGS. One particular young woman who was short on cash and otherwise would not have been able to purchase the book was delighted when Mike told her that he trusted her for the balance to be sent in the mail and a couple of weeks later this note appeared along with the cash.


Thank you so much for allowing me to purchase your wonderful book at Weatherfest even though I was a smidge short on cash.

As promised, here's the remaining balance.  I'm about halfway through your book and I think it is absolutely fantastic. Again, thank you.


Another satisfied loyal reader and a trusting meteorologist who made it possible for her get the book she wanted.


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