What a Terribly Sad Day

Two major losses today,

Those of you who have read Warnings know that Joe Audsley was the hero of the Ruskin Heights tornado. It was Joe who put the Weather Bureau (now National Weather Service) into the tornado warning business. Joe lost his wife of 65 years, Lee, today.

Photo of Lee and Joe Audsley:

And, my friend, Bob Barry, Sr. died yesterday.
Bob was the sports director at WKY TV, my first TV station, as well as the "Voice of the Oklahoma Sooners" for many years. Again, if you have read Warnings and Bob's name seems familiar, Kathleen and I had him over to our apartment for dinner on June 7, 1974, the night before "TV Weather Grew Up." It was Bob who encouraged me to explain -- the night before -- that I expected major tornadoes the next day. This was simply not done by meteorologists in 1974.

Kathleen and I extend our deep sympathy and best wishes to Joe and his family and to Bob's two sons and the rest of his family.


  1. My condolences, Mike, on the losses of your friends. These are wonderful ways of reflecting how they touched your life.


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