High Plains Conference a Huge Success

The 2011 High Plains Conference is now history and it was a tremendous success with meteorologists and weather aficionados from across the U.S. attending. While there was a great variety of scientific papers presented, three themes emerged: dual polarization (DP) radar and tornadoes, DP radar and highly destructive giant (≥ 4" hail), and protection of livestock in extreme heat. 

Don Burgess' report on tornadoes made the Wichita Eagle

Coincidentally, the Wall Street Journal had a story about giant hail Friday. 

Vanessa Pearce and Brad Ketcham putting up the sign to the "meet and greet"
The final event was the storm chaser "meet and greet" held this afternoon which allowed dozens of people interested in storm chasing to meet the chasers and see their equipment. 

One of the things I enjoyed most about the conference was seeing the future meteorologists sitting in and learning about weather and meteorology as well as meeting the storm chasers. 

Many people came by the Mike Smith Enterprises table and took advantage of the opportunity to meet marketing director Mindy Cook and intern Cat Taylor.
Cat Taylor (left) and Mindy Cook
Next year's conference will be held in Hastings, Nebraska. 

I also want to thank the Wichita Marriott for being such gracious hosts. 


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