Detailed Severe Thunderstorm Forecast

Thunderstorms will be unusually extensive for the 4th of July this year, so it is important to monitor local weather information. 

Tornado risk will be relatively low with the possible exception of the area between Cheyenne and Denver. 

Thunderstorm-Generated Wind Risk
The area in yellow has a significant risk of wind gusts of 60 mph or stronger. The area in red has an enhanced risk. The hatched area is where wind gusts of 75 mph or stronger are forecasted to occur -- with potential power outages. 

Hail Risk
The area in yellow has a significant risk of hail 1" in diameter or larger. The hatched area -- including Denver and Cheyenne -- may see hail larger than 2". 

Fireworks Thunderstorm Forecast
In the brown area, there is a 10% chance of a thunderstorm between 7pm and 11pm this evening. The blue area has a 40% chance. The red area has a 70% chance. Please keep this in mind with your fireworks plans. No thunderstorms are forecasted to occur in Oregon or California.


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