Another Absurd Tipping Point

On October 25, in the runup to last week's global warming meeting in Scotland, I explained:

A few minutes ago, we saw a perfect example on CBS "Sunday Morning." Big Climate's formidable public relation arm created a video with a dinosaur addressing the United Nations. Even though it had a number of factual errors, was highly effective propaganda. It ended with the following absurdity:

In the above, 2030 is another global warming "tipping point," the first of which was published in 1989! Here's a list a published in 2013.
These are designed to give a false sense of urgency with regard to global warming. They are always set a few years into the future with the hope you will forget about them when they pass without the forecast catastrophe. 

The prescription that came from the COP26 meeting calls for nations to dig up 120 billion tons of materials -- including rare earth minerals -- for ineffective windmills. This will be an ecological disaster of almost unimaginable proportions!!

We can fix the problem with nuclear energy and hydroelecric energy. But, the straightforward solution does not allow the opportunities for power and graft that keeping the issue alive does. So, if we continue on our present course, we will kill our standard of living and our liberty, while making environmental problems worse. 


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