President Trump and the Climate Scientists

The Washington Post ran a "media" column yesterday that stated,

We need to focus more intently — and more engagingly — on subjects that matter most to ordinary people’s lives, and to calm down about White House intrigue and Trump’s every tweet. And we need to stamp out the snarky attitude that seems to brag, “I’m smarter than my audience.”

Like clockwork, President Trump tweeted - facetiously, obviously -- about global warming a few minutes after that column was published. And, the suggestions to "calm down" about Trump's tweets and snark went out the window faster
than a climate scientist can churn out a grant application. From climate scientist Dr. Marshall Shepherd:
Vomit?  His Forbes online piece:
Not to be outdone, the virtue signaling that exploded about 7pm yesterday has continued up until the present hour as scientists and pseudo-scientists burn up social media:

Much more, here

Other noted climate scientists continued the pile on.

To make a long story short, none of these people -- none -- seem to get that Trump was tweaking them. And, they could not stop themselves from responding in a way that caused them to make fools of themselves.

I don't care what Chelsea Handler or Vinny somebody (who is that guy?) has to say. I do care about the credibility of the ever self-immolating news media and I care most of all about my fellow atmospheric scientists continuing to make fools of themselves over global warming. It is killing the credibility of our field, at least outside of DC and NYC. I think on some level they may be sensing it, which is why they, over and over, react in such an over-the-top manner to such tweaking. 

So, with 2018 upon us, I would like to ask people to think strategically before they run to Twitter and Facebook to print/write for any reason but, especially, to respond to President Trump. 


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