Thursday, 1:45pm CDT: Irma Update

Irma at 1:15pm CDT.

Well, most of the models have come in and I am sorry to say that our AccuWeather forecast looks right on the money. The hurricane will likely move inland in south Florida and go up the coast as shown.

Based on the latest models, I have a bit of a concern as to whether wind gusts of 75 mph or higher could extend even into central Georgia, farther than indicated on this graphic.

The thing I wish to emphasize is that, if the forecasts are correct, there will be a devastating storm surge along Miami Beach, the Intracoastal Waterway and up to Palm Beach county with a lesser, but still serious, storm surge farther north.
The storm surge watch is new -- this is the first major hurricane since this new system was put in place. The fact is that if you live in the shaded areas, you should have a "go kit" and be ready to move. Tomorrow, we hope to provide specific forecasts of the surge.

I'll update this evening if there is new, and significant, information.


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