Attention Meeting Planners!

This is a great idea.

Friday, I spoke in Chicago to the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies at the Renaissance Hotel. The meeting room was set up in a way I have never before seen:

This is what the room looked like to the left of the podium.

And, the middle of the room:
If I put the audience to sleep, they can stretch out on the sofa. I loved the ability to sit on a chair, a sofa, and a place to put your beverage if you brought one in.

And, in the back. were very inviting tables, with high chairs, where people could mingle or work.
Pictured is Crista Hassett, one of the meeting planners with the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies. I had a great time speaking to a savvy group. Thanks to NAMIC for inviting me.

So, meeting planners, please give this innovative idea some thought as your prepare your next meeting.


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