"3 Chasers" Recap

On a hot (101° at the start of the event) evening in Wichita, more than 120 people -- the fourth largest event in the 30 year history of Watermark Books -- gathered to learn and discuss tornadoes and severe storms.
Photo by Natalie Huenergardt
Questions ranged from global warming (appropriate, given the temperature) and its effects (or lack thereof) on this year's storms, why the death toll has been so high, Indian legends, and many others.

The crowd ranged from an eleven-year old girl whose middle school aptitude testing indicated she should be a storm chaser to -- and, how special is this? -- a veteran of the landing at Omaha Beach on the 67th anniversary of D-Day!
Jim, Jenna, Mike.
On a personal note, I was gratified by the people, and there were several, who were purchasing their second, or even third, copy of Warnings. One woman told me about buying the book, loving it, and giving it her daughter. She purchased a second copy, and gave it to her sister. Last night, she purchased a signed copy so she would again have one for herself.
Photo by Natalie Huenergardt

I intended for Warnings to be a gripping, uplifting story. It is so gratifying as an author to hear directly from readers that they were moved (in a couple cases, people told me they cried reading the Greensburg chapters) by your book.

Thank you to everyone who attended, to everyone at Watermark Books, and to Jenna and Jim!


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