Sunday Fun: 10-4

 Let me begin by wishing everyone a happy Broderick Crawford Day!

The above is a cameo of Broderick reprising his role as Dan Mathews on the more recent CHiPs. "10-4" was Crawford's tag line.

While Highway Patrol was airing first-run episodes, the United States got the news the Soviets had launched Sputnik. I remember that day and it had an effect on the nation almost as shocking as September 11th. If you have seen the movie Rocket Boys you'll recall the story of Homer Hickham and the Rocket Boys' response. Mr. Hickham has a nice series of tweets about those days, here.

And, finally, there is an area of disturbed weather in the central Caribbean that looks like it will turn into at least Tropical Storm Delta. To which Frank Alsheimer writes:
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.


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