One Week to Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a week from today. A book is a great gift that will be kept for years. Warnings is an uplifting story about weather and people. It is available in hardback and ebook. If you like talking about weather, you'll love this book.

Women love reading Warnings. Here are excepts of reviews written by women:
This is a fascinating book, full of suspense, telling it like it is, and a great learning experience without realizing just how much of what you read will stay with you. I highly recommend this book, it opened my eyes to the difficulties people 'in the know' deal with not just occasionally, but on-going in their efforts to keep us all as safe as possible. We know that paramedics, firemen, rescue teams all do this as part of the job, but we rarely think of the background to catastrophe. Winds, flash flooding, and the deadliest for a city below sea level: a storm surge. All closely watched. One last tornado is included: Greensburg, a town that disappeared, but has risen again. As an added bonus, this book is interactive. There are symbols scattered throughout which direct readers to a website where they can find videos, related information, and more.

As the Central Plains braces for a potential tornado outbreak this coming week (April 9th), Mike Smith's outstanding book Warnings: The True Story of How Science Tamed the Weather is not only appropriate but important. No matter where you live, Smith's excellent book outlines the history of how science and weather collided to create a better warning system to save lives. Smith's work is detailed, thorough and insightful. In addition to sharing the historical development of the science of weather warnings, Smith also shares his personal experiences as a meteorologist. This highlights the very crucial and important role that meteorologists play in our modern society. If you want to understand how and why weather warnings are issued, this is the book for you. An interesting and invigorating read.

I'm an admitted severe weather geek, and so I read rabidly in this genre. Quality tends to be all over the place, but so far I've only read one book I couldn't finish because it was so poorly written (and it's hard to write so badly that it overshadows the cool factor of this subject). Still, it's something I'm always aware of, and so I had put Warnings on my holiday gift list instead of just going out and buying it.

WHAT A MISTAKE! I got this book as an Easter gift and immediately began devouring it. I was instantly sorry I hadn't bought it sooner.

I'm a very busy person with little time to read, but I MADE time as I got into Warnings, and buzzed through it in four days of brief reading periods. Not only is this book about a really cool subject -- our modern-day severe storm warning system and how it almost didn't happen -- but it's written very engagingly with nary a slow spot in the entire book. As an author myself, I know how truly difficult it is to keep up such a pace without losing steam, but Mike Smith does a bang-up job all the way through.

  • Amanda Shepherd, California:
I love this book! I have probably read it six times!

With Mother's Day coming up, give her a great book -- Warnings. For more reviews and to order, click here.

Note: This is a modified version of an earlier posting. 


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