Still More Rain

Here is the rainfall for the last five days:

Whether the rainfall is welcome is largely a function of geography. Generally, west of the Missouri River the rain has been welcome and to the east the rain has been excessive. Rain is needed over most of Texas.

Here is the AccuWeather Regional Radar as of 10:15am.


  1. Mike...I still have so much to learn, but looking at the radar graphic above, you think these storms where ever they move over, would sort of settle the atmosphere. Then lets say if it stays cloudy, there would be less instability, hence limiting any tornado threat.

  2. Todd: It depends. One of the things I have learned over the last two decades is rain in the morning is a net plus for violent tornadoes IF it clears during the afternoon. The extra moisture beings down the "lifting condensation level" which makes it easier for the tornado's circulation to reach the ground.

    However, if it doesn't clear the atmosphere usually cannot recharge and so it would lessen the threat.

  3. Looks like it's clearing off after that last spot of rain...


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