A Frivolous Lawsuit and Two Extraordinary Papers About Global Warming

An excellent paper about global warming was brought to my attention yesterday and I wish to bring it to yours. It is by Larry Kummer and available here. The posting is well-written and easy to understand. If you really wish to get into the issue, read this essay by Larry first. Both of these have my highest recommendation.

Larry is also of the opinion is that human effects on climate are significant and require modification in the way we do business. But, climate science is often defective and riddled with advocacy. Larry suggests ways of  fixing that problem. He also urges climate science to (my words) restart the way it uses computer models and the way it communicates to non-scientists.
With that in mind, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio's lawsuit against oil companies (Shell, ExxonMobil, etc.) for causing Hurricane Sandy is absurd and, from where I sit, counterproductive. It is this type of taxpayer-subsidized stunt (and that is what it is) and abuse of our legal system that validates global warming skeptics. 
And, speaking of Mr. de Blasio, the New York Times documents this recent example of hypocritical behavior that may enhance human-caused global warming:
Purring in the mild winter day, a small armada of S.U.V.s was parked Thursday morning along 42nd Street outside the New York Public Library. Inside was Mayor Bill de Blasio, at an interfaith prayer breakfast that went on for quite a while.
By divine right of mayoralty, or someone, 13 vehicles waited at the curb in a no-standing zone, among them four black S.U.V.s (three Chevy Suburbans and one Yukon XL) an ambulance, a huge E.M.S. vehicle and a police school safety van. The engines on those big boys were running while the mayor was inside, for about two hours.

To repeat the brilliant thought from Instapundit's Glenn Reynolds: "I'll believe global warming is a problem when the people telling me it's a problem start acting like it's a problem."


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