East Coast Severe Weather Update

Here are the details on the severe weather threat for the East Coast:


The 5% area is the significant threat. It includes Philadelphia, Wilmington, Washington-Baltimore, Richmond and Norfolk.

Damaging Winds
On this map, 15% is the significant threshold for thunderstorms with wind gusts of 58 mph or higher.

This means the possibility of power failures, so you may wish to prepare accordingly. Some very low cost preparations:
  • Fill generator's fuel tank if you have one.
  • Keep your call full of gas (pumps don't work if there is a power failure).
  • Extra cash (same with ATM's).
  • Make sure that friends/relatives who need special care will be cared for. 
Remember: You'll spend the money and use the gas eventually, even if a power failure does not occur in your location. So, it costs practically nothing to be prepared.

If you are flying to or connecting at an airport in this region (i.e., Philadelphia, Dulles, etc.) this afternoon, be prepared for significant delays,

UPDATE: 10:05AM EDT: I checked the FAA's web site for delays before I posted the above and there were none except San Francisco. Now, there are 95 minute delays at Newark and 130 minute average delays at Philadelphia. It is going to be a rough day for air travel in the East. 


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