Why You Should Be Cautious in Your Choice of Web Browsers

Here is the last thing we need:
Controlling what news voters do and do not receive has become a big focus in the digital age. Mainstream media giants and establishment political operatives alike have long fought to stigmatize, discredit, and censor any news that doesn’t fit their agendas.

Now a familiar player is getting into the censorship game: Microsoft just announced that the tech giant’s Edge web browser will feature a “NewsGuard” plugin that will display a big red exclamation mark and a scolding warning when users view news outlets its censors dislike. Media outlets hand-selected by NewsGuard and Microsoft, on the other hand, will get a big friendly green check mark and flattering praise of their journalistic merit.

Who are the approved “green check mark” news sources? The left-leaning, establishment media outlets you would expect: CNN, The Huffington Post, The Washington Post, and so on. These are the same sites that rushed to publish dozens of demonstrably false stories about Catholic high schoolers harassing a Vietnam veteran — and wound up putting those teenagers and their families in the crosshairs of a vicious internet hate mob — and then, largely refused to apologize for getting the story completely wrong.

 The entire story is here.

My primary browser is Apple's Safari. But, I don't like the direction Apple is going these days. I want quality, reliable technology. Instead, their laptops are getting father behind the competition and I don't care for the newer iPhones. Unfortunately, Apple seems determined to join the ranks of the social justice warriors.

More and more, I find myself using my Brave Browser which is excellent in every way. I highly recommend it.


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