Tescott, Kansas: "Most Fortunate Town in the Universe"

Alternate headline: Tornadoes Test Tescott

Someone(s) in the town of Tescott, Kansas, has been living right. The map below is the Alma, (a/k/a Topeka) Kansas, WSR-88D  Doppler wind data. Wednesday, a tornado of moderate (there are no 'minor' genuine tornadoes) intensity passed two miles NW of Tescott (left).
From Stu Ostro, Via Twitter
Tuesday, the strong tornado I chased (story here) passed just one mile southeast of Tescott (right). That tornado has been rated EF-3 which means it was a strong tornado. I believe it may have been stronger than that. One of the weaknesses of the EF-Scale is that unless a tornado strikes substantial structures, it cannot be rated higher than a 3. Of course, we are very pleased the tornado missed the town (and the chance at a higher rating).

I am going to do a more comprehensive posting about Tuesday's chase and the corresponding radar in the next few days.


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